Enum ASCIICharacterDisplayInfo.CharacterSubtype
This enumeration maps the Subtype strings to fast, efficient, safe integer values that correspond to ten specialized groups of characters. These correspond roughly to the Unicode character categories.
Namespace: WizardWrx
Assembly: WizardWrx.ASCIIInfo.dll
public enum CharacterSubtype : int
Name | Description |
Control | These are the characters that have code point values between 1 and 31, most of which are device control characters that originally drove line printers. |
Greek_Letter | Only a handful of characters, all of which fall into the Extended group, are specifically identified as letters of the Greek alphabet. Others may have been overlooked. If you find one of them, please submit a pull request or open an issue. |
LC_Latin_1_Letter | Characters in this group represent the lower case letters of the Latin alphabet. |
NULL | There is but one character in this subgroup, the ASCII NULL, sometimes called NUL, which has a numerical value of zero. |
Numeral | These characters represent the Arabic numerals zero through nine. |
Other_Letter | This large group represents latters and joined characters used in other Western alphabets. |
Punctuation | Characters in this group are generally accepted as punctuation marks, of which one, the inverted question mark, belongs to the Extended group, owing to its high code point, 191. |
Symbol | Characters in this group are a mixed bag of mathematical and other symbols. |
UC_Latin_1_Letter | Characters in this group represent the upper case letters of the Latin alphabet. |
Undefined | The value is uninitialized. |
White_Space | White space is another tiny subgroup; it contains five code points, 32, the everyday SPACE character, 160, the nonbreaking Space, 8, the destructive backspace, 9, the horizontal tab, and 11, the vertical tab, only one of which, the regular space, is considered printable. The nonbreaking space, also printable, is classified as an extended character because its code point is greater than 127, while the rest fall into the group that is comprised otherwise of device control codes. Since that is their primary function, they belong in this group. |