Enum TimeDisplayFormatter.DateFieldOrder
Indicate the format to use for displaying the calendar date.
Namespace: WizardWrx.Core
Assembly: WizardWrx.Core.dll
public enum DateFieldOrder : int
Name | Description |
CultureInfoShortDate | Use the ShortDate format defined in the current CultureInfo. |
DDMMYY | Display Day, Month, and Year, discarding the century from the year. |
DDMMYYYY | Display Day, Month, and Year, showing all four digits of the year. |
MMDDYY | Display Month, Day, and Year, discarding the century from the year. |
MMDDYYYY | Display Month, Day, and Year, showing all four digits of the year. |
YYMMDD | Display Year, Month, and Day, discarding the century from the year. |
YYYYMMDD | Display Year, Month, and Day, showing all four digits of the year. |