Enum ExceptionLogger.ErrorExitOptions
Use with the static GetSpecifiedReservedErrorMessage method or with the overloaded instance GetReservedErrorMessage method that allows callers to override the behavior dictated by its properties.
Namespace: WizardWrx.DLLConfigurationManager
Assembly: WizardWrx.DLLConfigurationManager.dll
public enum ErrorExitOptions : byte
The correspondence between the naming and numbering of the members of this enumeration is by design, since the two work hand in hand internally, and the consistency should simplify writing calls to the GetReservedErrorMessage methods.
Name | Description |
RecordedInEventLog | Details of the run-time exception were reported in a Windows Event Log. |
RecordedInStandardError | Details of the run-time exception were listed on STDERR if the application has a working console. |
RecordedInStandardOutput | Details of the run-time exception were listed on STDOUT if the application has a working console. |
Succeeded | Execution succeeded; return the ERROR_SUCCESS placeholder for the table of error messages. |