Class FormatItem
This is an infrastructure class; instances represent a FormatItem found in the FormatString associated with the FormatStringParser that owns it.
The static methods of this class are public, and are very handy for creating compact summary reports.
Use them to construct composite format items that have their characteristics, especially their widths, established at runtime. Setting the width dynamically permits summary totals and their labels, all of which may have widely varying widths that are unknown in advance to be set in such a way that a set of numeric values and their labels can be printed with labels on the left, and a minimum amount of white space between the longest label and the numbers.
Namespace: WizardWrx.FormatStringEngine
Assembly: WizardWrx.FormatStringEngine.dll
public class FormatItem : object
While the class, itself, is marked Public, everything else about it is marked as Internal, so that only instances of classes defined in this assembly can create instances, while instances of the FormatStringParser class expose a collection of them through its FormatItems property, a FormatItemsCollection.
| Improve this Doc View SourceAPPEARANCE_ORDER_NOT_SET
The ApperanceOrder property evaluating to this value means that the property is uninitialized.
public const uint APPEARANCE_ORDER_NOT_SET = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.UInt32 |
Like all good array subscripts, format item indexes start at zero.
public const string INTEGER_PER_REG_SETTINGS = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
Make the lower bound of an index visible to class consumers.
public const int INVALID_INDEX = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Make the lower bound of a string offset visible to class consumers.
public const int INVALID_OFFSET = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Make the lower bound of the RawLength property visible to class consumers.
public const int INVALID_RAW_LENGTH = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Make the lower bound of the MinimumWidth property visible to class consumers.
public const int INVALID_WIDTH = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Like all good array subscripts, format item indexes start at zero.
public const int MINIMUM_VALID_FORMAT_ITEM_INDEX = null
Field Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
| Improve this Doc View SourceAppearanceOrder
Gets the AppearanceOrder property, which is the order, counting from 1, of its appearance in the format string.
public uint AppearanceOrder { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.UInt32 |
This property is set when the Add method of a FormatItemsCollection object calls the SetAppearanceOrder on the instance just added. This is achieved by overriding the Add method of its base class.
Gets the Index property of the item, which is the first, or only, number found within the item string.
A return value of minus one means that the Index property is uninitialized, which should be true only when the entire object is uninitialized.
public int Index { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Gets or sets the optional ItemFormat property of the item.
A return value of null (Nothing in Visual Basic) means that the ItemFormat property is undefined, which is permissible, since it is optional.
public string ItemFormat { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.String |
Gets or sets the optional MinimumWidth property of the item.
A return value of zero means that the MinimumWidth property is undefined, which is permissible, since it is optional.
public int MinimumWidth { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Once initialized, this property may subsequently be updated by calling the UpdateMinimumWidth method on the instance. The synopsis of the UpdateMinimumWidth method explains in greater detail.
Gets the RawLength property, the length, in characters, of the raw format item in the format string.
A return value of zero means that the StartOffset property is uninitialized or partially initialized.
public int RawLength { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
Instance method SetRawLength is called when the closing French brace is found to set this property.
Gets the required StartOffset property, the offset, counting from 0, where the format item appears in the format string.
A return value of minus one means that the StartOffset property is uninitialized, which should be true only when the entire object is uninitialized.
public int StartOffset { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
System.Int32 |
This property is immutable.
Gets or sets the Alignment property, if any, associated with the item.
public FormatItem.Alignment TextAlignment { get; set; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
FormatItem.Alignment |
| Improve this Doc View SourceAdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(String, Int32, Int32)
Replace a basic format item of the form "{n}" where "n" is the item number, with a composite item that right aligns a numeric value in a screen width that will accommodate the maximum value that will be substituted for it in the current instance.
public static string AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(string pstrInputFormatString, int pintItemIndex, int pintHighestValue)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrInputFormatString | Specify the format string into which to substitute the composite format item. |
System.Int32 | pintItemIndex | Specify the index number of the item to be replaced. The string must contain a format item "{pintItemIndex}" which is replaced. |
System.Int32 | pintHighestValue | Specify the highest value that you expect to substitute for format item {pintItemIndex} such as the Count property of an array that holds items to be listed. |
Type | Description |
System.String | A new string is returned, with format item {pintItemIndex} replaced with {pintItemIndex,m:N0}, where m = the minimum width required to display pintHighestValue using the numeric formatting defined by the current Region and Language settings in the Windows Control Panel, overriding the decimal places value with a value of zero. |
AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(String, Int32, UInt32)
Replace a basic format item of the form "{n}" where "n" is the item number, with a composite item that right aligns a numeric value in a screen width that will accommodate the maximum value that will be substituted for it in the current instance.
public static string AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(string pstrInputFormatString, int pintItemIndex, uint puintHighestValue)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrInputFormatString | Specify the format string into which to substitute the composite format item. |
System.Int32 | pintItemIndex | Specify the index number of the item to be replaced. The string must contain a format item "{pintItemIndex}" which is replaced. |
System.UInt32 | puintHighestValue | Specify the highest value that you expect to substitute for format item {pintItemIndex} such as the Count property of an array that holds items to be listed. |
Type | Description |
System.String | A new string is returned, with format item {pintItemIndex} replaced with {pintItemIndex,m:N0}, where m = the minimum width required to display pintHighestValue using the numeric formatting defined by the current Region and Language settings in the Windows Control Panel, overriding the decimal places value with a value of zero. |
AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(String, Int32, FormatItem.Alignment, Int32, String)
Replace a basic format item of the form "{n}" where "n" is the item number, with a composite item that right aligns a numeric value in a screen width that will accommodate the maximum value that will be substituted for it in the current instance.
public static string AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(string pstrFormat, int pintItemIndex, FormatItem.Alignment penmAlignment, int pintMaximumWidth, string pstrFormatString)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrFormat | Specify a valid format string to upgrade. The string must contain a token of the form {n}, where n is equal to pintItemIndex. |
System.Int32 | pintItemIndex | Specify the index of the item to be upgraded. The integer must be positive, and pstrFormat must contain at least once instance of a correspondingly numbered format item. |
FormatItem.Alignment | penmAlignment | Specify Left or Right. Center alignment is unsupported, although it could be achieved with custom code. |
System.Int32 | pintMaximumWidth | The maximum width is a positive integer that specifies the desired width of the item. |
System.String | pstrFormatString | Specify a Standard Numeric, Date, or Text format string or a custom string composed around a standard string. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The return value is a new format control string, with the original vanilla format item at the specified index replaced with a new one that has its width adjusted precisely to accommodate the widest expected value. |
AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(String, UInt32, Int32)
Replace a basic format item of the form "{n}" where "n" is the item number, with a composite item that right aligns a numeric value in a screen width that will accommodate the maximum value that will be substituted for it in the current instance.
public static string AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(string pstrInputFormatString, uint puintItemIndex, int pintHighestValue)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrInputFormatString | Specify the format string into which to substitute the composite format item. |
System.UInt32 | puintItemIndex | Specify the index number of the item to be replaced. The string must contain a format item "{pintItemIndex}" which is replaced. |
System.Int32 | pintHighestValue | Specify the highest value that you expect to substitute for format item {pintItemIndex} such as the Count property of an array that holds items to be listed. |
Type | Description |
System.String | A new string is returned, with format item {pintItemIndex} replaced with {pintItemIndex,m:N0}, where m = the minimum width required to display pintHighestValue using the numeric formatting defined by the current Region and Language settings in the Windows Control Panel, overriding the decimal places value with a value of zero. |
AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(String, UInt32, UInt32)
Replace a basic format item of the form "{n}" where "n" is the item number, with a composite item that right aligns a numeric value in a screen width that will accommodate the maximum value that will be substituted for it in the current instance.
public static string AdjustItemNumberWidthPerMaxValue(string pstrInputFormatString, uint puintItemIndex, uint puintHighestValue)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrInputFormatString | Specify the format string into which to substitute the composite format item. |
System.UInt32 | puintItemIndex | Specify the index number of the item to be replaced. The string must contain a format item "{pintItemIndex}" which is replaced. |
System.UInt32 | puintHighestValue | Specify the highest value that you expect to substitute for format item {pintItemIndex} such as the Count property of an array that holds items to be listed. |
Type | Description |
System.String | A new string is returned, with format item {pintItemIndex} replaced with {pintItemIndex,m:N0}, where m = the minimum width required to display pintHighestValue using the numeric formatting defined by the current Region and Language settings in the Windows Control Panel, overriding the decimal places value with a value of zero. |
AdjustToMaximumWidth(Int32, Int32, FormatItem.Alignment, String)
Assemble a composite format item from its constituents.
public static string AdjustToMaximumWidth(int pintItemIndex, int pintMaximumWidth, FormatItem.Alignment penmAlignment, string pstrFormatString)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | pintItemIndex | The index is a standard zero based array subscript which corresponds to the position of an item in a list of objects. The list happens to be the items that correspond to the format items in a format string. |
System.Int32 | pintMaximumWidth | The maximum width is a positive integer that specifies the desired width of the item. |
FormatItem.Alignment | penmAlignment | Specify Left or Right. Center alignment is unsupported, although it could be achieved with custom code. |
System.String | pstrFormatString | Specify a Standard Numeric, Date, or Text format string or a custom string composed around a standard string. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is ready to insert into a complete format string for use with string.Format, Console.WriteLine, and their numerous cousins. The safest way to insert it into a format string is by calling a companion method, UpgradeFormatItem, which expects a format string, puintItemIndex, and the string returned by this method. |
AdjustToMaximumWidth(Int32, UInt32, FormatItem.Alignment, String)
Assemble a composite format item from its constituents.
public static string AdjustToMaximumWidth(int pintItemIndex, uint puintMaximumWidth, FormatItem.Alignment penmAlignment, string pstrFormatString)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | pintItemIndex | The index is a standard zero based array subscript which corresponds to the position of an item in a list of objects. The list happens to be the items that correspond to the format items in a format string. |
System.UInt32 | puintMaximumWidth | The maximum width is a positive integer that specifies the desired width of the item. |
FormatItem.Alignment | penmAlignment | Specify Left or Right. Center alignment is unsupported, although it could be achieved with custom code. |
System.String | pstrFormatString | Specify a Standard Numeric, Date, or Text format string or a custom string composed around a standard string. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is ready to insert into a complete format string for use with string.Format, Console.WriteLine, and their numerous cousins. The safest way to insert it into a format string is by calling a companion method, UpgradeFormatItem, which expects a format string, puintItemIndex, and the string returned by this method. |
AdjustToMaximumWidth(UInt32, Int32, FormatItem.Alignment, String)
Assemble a composite format item from its constituents.
public static string AdjustToMaximumWidth(uint puintItemIndex, int pintMaximumWidth, FormatItem.Alignment penmAlignment, string pstrFormatString)
Type | Name | Description |
System.UInt32 | puintItemIndex | The index is a standard zero based array subscript which corresponds to the position of an item in a list of objects. The list happens to be the items that correspond to the format items in a format string. |
System.Int32 | pintMaximumWidth | The maximum width is a positive integer that specifies the desired width of the item. |
FormatItem.Alignment | penmAlignment | Specify Left or Right. Center alignment is unsupported, although it could be achieved with custom code. |
System.String | pstrFormatString | Specify a Standard Numeric, Date, or Text format string or a custom string composed around a standard string. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is ready to insert into a complete format string for use with string.Format, Console.WriteLine, and their numerous cousins. The safest way to insert it into a format string is by calling a companion method, UpgradeFormatItem, which expects a format string, puintItemIndex, and the string returned by this method. |
AdjustToMaximumWidth(UInt32, UInt32, FormatItem.Alignment, String)
Assemble a composite format item from its constituents.
public static string AdjustToMaximumWidth(uint puintItemIndex, uint puintMaximumWidth, FormatItem.Alignment penmAlignment, string pstrFormatString)
Type | Name | Description |
System.UInt32 | puintItemIndex | The index is a standard zero based array subscript which corresponds to the position of an item in a list of objects. The list happens to be the items that correspond to the format items in a format string. |
System.UInt32 | puintMaximumWidth | The maximum width is a positive integer that specifies the desired width of the item. |
FormatItem.Alignment | penmAlignment | Specify Left or Right. Center alignment is unsupported, although it could be achieved with custom code. |
System.String | pstrFormatString | Specify a Standard Numeric, Date, or Text format string or a custom string composed around a standard string. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is ready to insert into a complete format string for use with string.Format, Console.WriteLine, and their numerous cousins. The safest way to insert it into a format string is by calling a companion method, UpgradeFormatItem, which expects a format string, puintItemIndex, and the string returned by this method. |
Return a string suitable for formatting an integer per the Regional Settings, overriding the default number of digits to display to the right of the decimal point to display zero digits to the right of the decimal point.
public static string IntegerPerRegSettings()
Type | Description |
System.String | Format string suitable for formatting an integer |
See Also
UpgradeFormatItem(String, Int32, String)
Upgrade a plain vanilla format item of the form {n}, where n is the number of a format item that exists somewhere in a format string to a composite string that specifies a width that is computed at run time to be appropriate to the current data set.
public static string UpgradeFormatItem(string pstrFormat, int pintItemIndex, string pstrUpgrade)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrFormat | Specify a valid format string to upgrade. The string must contain a token of the form {n}, where n is equal to pintItemIndex. |
System.Int32 | pintItemIndex | Specify the index of the item to be upgraded. The integer must be positive, and pstrFormat must contain at least once instance of a correspondingly numbered format item. |
System.String | pstrUpgrade | Specify the upgraded format item, such as the string returned by the static AdjustToMaximumWidth method of this class. Contrast this with pstrFormatString, which expects you to supply a standard or custom Numeric or DateTime format string, from which it constructs a complete, well formed Format Item. |
Type | Description |
System.String | If the function succeeds, the return value is the upgraded format string, in which the indicated plain vanilla format item has been replaced with a dynamically generated composite format item. |
This routine expends a good deal of effort to validate its inputs, so that it can be safely used to process user input, such as data read into the program from a configuration file.
UpgradeFormatItem(String, Int32, FormatItem.Alignment, String, String[])
Upgrade a plain vanilla format item of the form {n}, where n is the number of a format item that exists somewhere in a format string to a composite string that specifies a width that is computed at run time to be appropriate to the current data set.
public static string UpgradeFormatItem(string pstrFormat, int pintItemIndex, FormatItem.Alignment penmAlignment, string pstrFormatString, string[] pastrValueArray)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrFormat | Specify a valid format string to upgrade. The string must contain a token of the form {n}, where n is equal to pintItemIndex. |
System.Int32 | pintItemIndex | Specify the index of the item to be upgraded. The integer must be positive, and pstrFormat must contain at least once instance of a correspondingly numbered format item. |
FormatItem.Alignment | penmAlignment | Specify Left or Right. Center alignment is unsupported, although it could be achieved with custom code. |
System.String | pstrFormatString | Specify a standard or custom Numeric or DateTime format string. Contrast this with pstrUpgrade, which expects you to supply the entire format item, ready for substitution. |
System.String[] | pastrValueArray | Specify an array of strings, all of which are values intended to be formatted by the upgraded format item. This routine determines the length of the longest string, which becomes the basis of the alignment parameter inserted into the upgraded format item. |
Type | Description |
System.String | If the function succeeds, the return value is the upgraded format string, in which the indicated plain vanilla format item has been replaced with a dynamically generated composite format item. |
UpgradeFormatItem(String, UInt32, String)
Upgrade a plain vanilla format item of the form {n}, where n is the number of a format item that exists somewhere in a format string to a composite string that specifies a width that is computed at run time to be appropriate to the current data set.
public static string UpgradeFormatItem(string pstrFormat, uint puintItemIndex, string pstrUpgrade)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrFormat | Specify a valid format string to upgrade. The string must contain a token of the form {n}, where n is equal to puintItemIndex. |
System.UInt32 | puintItemIndex | Specify the index of the item to be upgraded. The integer must be positive, and pstrFormat must contain at least once instance of a correspondingly numbered format item. |
System.String | pstrUpgrade | Specify the upgraded format item, such as the string returned by the static AdjustToMaximumWidth method of this class. Contrast this with pstrFormatString, which expects you to supply a standard or custom Numeric or DateTime format string, from which it constructs a complete, well formed Format Item. |
Type | Description |
System.String | If the function succeeds, the return value is the upgraded format string, in which the indicated plain vanilla format item has been replaced with a dynamically generated composite format item. |
This routine expends a good deal of effort to validate its inputs, so that it can be safely used to process user input, such as data read into the program from a configuration file.
UpgradeFormatItem(String, UInt32, FormatItem.Alignment, String, List<String>)
Upgrade a plain vanilla format item of the form {n}, where n is the number of a format item that exists somewhere in a format string to a composite string that specifies a width that is computed at run time to be appropriate to the current data set.
public static string UpgradeFormatItem(string pstrFormat, uint puintItemIndex, FormatItem.Alignment penmAlignment, string pstrFormatString, List<string> pastrValueArray)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | pstrFormat | Specify a valid format string to upgrade. The string must contain a token of the form {n}, where n is equal to pintItemIndex. |
System.UInt32 | puintItemIndex | Specify the index of the item to be upgraded. The integer must be positive, and pstrFormat must contain at least once instance of a correspondingly numbered format item. |
FormatItem.Alignment | penmAlignment | Specify Left or Right. Center alignment is unsupported, although it could be achieved with custom code. |
System.String | pstrFormatString | Specify a standard or custom Numeric or DateTime format string. Contrast this with pstrUpgrade, which expects you to supply the entire format item, ready for substitution. |
List<System.String> | pastrValueArray | Specify an array of strings, all of which are values intended to be formatted by the upgraded format item. This routine determines the length of the longest string, which becomes the basis of the alignment parameter inserted into the upgraded format item. |
Type | Description |
System.String | If the function succeeds, the return value is the upgraded format string, in which the indicated plain vanilla format item has been replaced with a dynamically generated composite format item. |
XofY(Int32, Int32)
Given two integral values X and Y, where X is less than or equal to Y, return a string of the form "X of Y" for use on a report.
public static string XofY(int pintX, int pintY)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | pintX | X is the ordinal number of the item in the list, expressed as a signed integer. |
System.Int32 | pintY | Y is the total number of items in the list, expressed as a signed integer. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is literally "X of Y," where X and Y are the two integers representing, respectively, the current item number and the total number of items in the set. The formatting of X and Y is such that a list is guaranteed to be vertically aligned, because X is set in a right aligned field whose width is the same as that of a string representation of Y. |
XofY(Int32, UInt32)
Given two integral values X and Y, where X is less than or equal to Y, return a string of the form "X of Y" for use on a report.
public static string XofY(int pintX, uint puintY)
Type | Name | Description |
System.Int32 | pintX | X is the ordinal number of the item in the list, expressed as a signed integer. |
System.UInt32 | puintY | Y is the total number of items in the list, expressed as an unsigned integer. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is literally "X of Y," where X and Y are the two integers representing, respectively, the current item number and the total number of items in the set. The formatting of X and Y is such that a list is guaranteed to be vertically aligned, because X is set in a right aligned field whose width is the same as that of a string representation of Y. |
XofY(UInt32, Int32)
Given two integral values X and Y, where X is less than or equal to Y, return a string of the form "X of Y" for use on a report.
public static string XofY(uint puintX, int pintY)
Type | Name | Description |
System.UInt32 | puintX | X is the ordinal number of the item in the list, expressed as an unsigned integer. |
System.Int32 | pintY | Y is the total number of items in the list, expressed as a signed integer. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is literally "X of Y," where X and Y are the two integers representing, respectively, the current item number and the total number of items in the set. The formatting of X and Y is such that a list is guaranteed to be vertically aligned, because X is set in a right aligned field whose width is the same as that of a string representation of Y. |
XofY(UInt32, UInt32)
Given two integral values X and Y, where X is less than or equal to Y, return a string of the form "X of Y" for use on a report.
public static string XofY(uint puintX, uint puintY)
Type | Name | Description |
System.UInt32 | puintX | X is the ordinal number of the item in the list, expressed as an unsigned integer. |
System.UInt32 | puintY | Y is the total number of items in the list, expressed as an unsigned integer. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The returned string is literally "X of Y," where X and Y are the two integers representing, respectively, the current item number and the total number of items in the set. The formatting of X and Y is such that a list is guaranteed to be vertically aligned, because X is set in a right aligned field whose width is the same as that of a string representation of Y. |